I walk towards the humanitarian department of the company in quick steps while the employees bow their heads in respect. But right now I don't have time for anything else because I need to have a chit-chat with someone who thinks that it's easy to fool me.
Last night Mia informed me that she has found the person's information who is giving away company's details to the rival company. I was not shocked to hear the person's name as that person was already in the list of the persons I hate.
Upon arriving in the department I directly go the head of the department's cabin to find him typing something very quickly on his computer. But poor man doesn't even know what's going to happen next.
I pull out the plug of his computer making him startle as well as angry. But when he notices me his face lose all the color making me smirk.
"What happened, Mr. Anderson?" I ask casually.
"Nothing ma'am." He replies getting up from his chair.
"But here I thought you were doing something important in your computer. So sorry that I disturbed you in the middle of something important." I let out looking worried.
"Why are you here?" He asks making me raise my eyebrow at him.
"No, I mean you could have asked me to come to your cabin." He says while I smirk at him.
I walk near him making him walk backward but he doesn't get to go far because I have already taken a hold of his collar. I look at him directly in the eyes showing him how much I am angry with his behaviour.
"You really thought that I would never find out about the things you are doing behind my back?" I ask glaring at him.
"Ma'am, I can explain." He says fearfully.
"What are you going to explain? That how you are selling information about the company? That how you are betraying my company?" I ask pushing him on the floor making him fall on his back. But I don't give him time to get up because I have already put my feet over his chest.
"You should have known that I hate those people who betray me and that also with office work. Still, you have given away valuable information about the company which my father has built from scratch. This is not just a company. This is my father's honor and I cannot bear anyone playing with my father's honor. So now get ready to be punished so badly that you will think thousands times before messing with me." I say just as cops enter the cabin and arrest the scoundrel much to his protest.
"Lily, call for an urgent meeting with all the heads of departments." I order my secretary after I get back to my cabin.
"Yes, ma'am." Comes the reply through the intercom.
I am happy that finally the culprit is going to be punished for the crime he has done. Yet, I have a feeling that there are more snakes working in the company who can cause trouble later. So, I don't want to take any risk because I don't want Papa to think that I am not taking care of the company like he used to do.
I have heard from childhood that how Papa alone has raised this company to the top of the market. So if there is any scam in the company now then I will feel very bad because Papa has given the responsibility of this company to me. I have to stand up to his hopes by doing anything to protect the company.
"Ma'am, everyone is waiting in the conference room." Lily informs through the intercom.
"Okay, I will be there." I say and get up from my place while stretching my arms.
Today I have given Dylan a day off despite his protest. He hasn't spent a single day along with his sister and today the school is closed too so it's a good chance for them to bond. I can't even imagine not seeing my siblings for two or three days but here he is, not meeting his sister for months. However, I understand that he wants to work hard so that he can provide the best for his sister. But it doesn't mean that he shouldn't spend some quality time with his sister who crave for her brother's attention.
I walk inside the conference room and sit down on my chair before looking at the trusted employees of the company. Although now my trust has broken so all of them have to prove themselves again to get back on my good books which won't be so easy.
"I am sure all of you have heard what happened to Mr. Anderson so in today's meeting I would like to let you all know that you need to be careful with what you do from next time. I am not saying that you guys are also working against the company, I am simply warning you for the future purpose." I say looking at the pale faces of the employees.
"But we haven't done anything wrong." Say one of them making me glare at him.
"I know that and that's why you're only getting a warning for now so you better behave and by any chance if you are thinking of betraying the company then please be aware that my next punishment will be more brutal. That's all for today." I further add before walking out of there without waiting to give anymore answers to them.
I park my car outside the Bianchi Mansion before walking towards the main door but I don't even get to press the bell as the door open immediately and suddenly I am engulfed in a hug making me smile.
"I missed you, Maira." I say pulling away from the hug and look at my cousin who is grinning at me.
"I missed you too, Vira Di. Come on let's go inside." Maira replies and starts dragging me along with her making me laugh because this girl is never gonna change.
We directly go to the dining room as it's already dinner time but I get surprised seeing Dylan here. Because I remember him telling me that he will be in the apartment along with Amelia.
"I have asked him to join us for dinner." Mum answers my unasked question making me nod my head in response.
"Actually, your mother didn't ask. She has ordered Dylan." Papa remarks making me look at him with a big smile. It doesn't matter how old I get, I am always going to be my father's little princess.
"I missed you a lot, Papa." I say while wrapping my hands around his waist while he kisses the top of my head like always.
"That can't be happened because I am the one who miss you more." Papa jokes while I glare at him playfully before putting my head on his chest feeling content knowing that now that he is back I can share my problems with him freely.
"Is everything okay, princess?" He whispers so that no one can hear.
"I will tell you later." I reply making him nod.
"You both can talk later, now sit down and eat your dinner." Mum instructs sternly.
I take my sit beside Papa while looking at the yummy food prepared by my mother. She is really the best cook for me because she can literally make every cuisines of the world. But today's dinner is extremely special as she has made full Indian meals. There are Rumali Roti(Handkerchief Bread), Mutton Kuzhambu, Fish Fingers, Laccha Pyaaz(Onion Salad) and Mishti Doi(Sweet Yogurt).
"I really missed your homemade food, Anu Pishi." Maira comments eating her first bite of the food.
"Then now can eat as much as you want." Mum replies with her pretty smile.
Suddenly my eyes fall on Dylan who looks like he doesn't know how to eat to food in front of him making me realise that this must be his first time eating Indian meal.
"Here, follow my lead." I tell him while tearing a small piece of the roti with my fingers and then wrap it around a small piece of mutton before putting the whole thing inside my mouth.
Dylan does as I have shown him and in a few minutes he is able to eat peacefully. He then looks at his sister who is eating without any trouble which means that she has eaten Indian food before.
"How are you liking the food, Dylan?" Mum asks gently.
"It's really great. Actually, I have always wanted to try Indian cuisine but never got the chance to do that. So, today's dinner has been great, Mrs. Bianchi." Dylan replies smiling at my mother who nods her head.
"By the way, where is Ethan?" I ask mum as my brother is not present here.
"He has some urgent issues to solve in the company so he is not coming home tonight." Mum replies worriedly.
"Cara, you worry too much. Our children are very responsible and they know what to do. So, don't stress yourself and eat your dinner." Papa says looking at Mum lovingly making me sigh because seeing them still so much in love with eachother make me want to believe in love. But after my past experience, I don't have any intention to put my trust on something which can only bring destruction in my life.
"And what about Ian Bhai? I haven't met him yet." Maira says.
"He has gone to Singapore to attend a business conference." I answer.
After dinner, I go to my bedroom as it's already late so Papa has told me to stay here. I am also very tired to drive to my apartment so it's better to stay the night here.
Just as I walk out of the washroom, there is a knock on the door making me wonder who it can be because in my opinion everyone has gone to bed.
"Come in." I let out.
"Sorry to disturb you so late." Dylan says walking inside the room.
"It's okay, do you have any important thing to tell me?" I ask putting my phone to charge.
"I have something to give you." He says while I look at the small box in his hands.
"What is it?" I ask taking the box from him.
"A thank you gift." He replies making me confused.
"But why are you giving me a thank you gift?" I ask not understanding what he is trying to say.
"You have helped my sister as well as me without asking anything in return. So, I have got this little gift for you. I know it may not upto your standards but that's all I can afford." He says with a small smile.
"You know, my parents have always taught me that no matter how much money you have or how luxurious things you own, any type of gift of gratitude from someone can never be compared to anything else. So, I don't care what you have got me or how much you have spent on it. I am just happy learning the reason behind it." I reply before opening the box and there is a beautiful bracelet with my name's initial dangling in it.
"It's so pretty." I let out running my fingers over the bracelet.
"Really?" He asks looking surprised.
"Yup, the bracelet is simple yet very beautiful. Thank you so much for the gift, Dylan." I tell him truthfully while he smiles brightly at me.
He goes to say something but then stops while staring at something behind me. So, I turn around to see exactly what he is looking at.
"I didn't know that you love dogs so much to have so many pictures of them." He remark looking at the several pictures of my furry brothers.
"They're my big brothers who I am sure now are playing in the sky." I reply walking towards the photo frames.
"What's their names?" He asks standing beside me.
"Zeus, Fonsie, Boomer, Tank, Scout and King." I let out while pointing at the pictures but when I look at King's photo my eyes gets teary just thinking how unlucky I was the day he left the world.
"What happened, ma'am? Why are you crying?" Dylan asks making me wipe the few tears that roll down my face.
"King was the most protective one out of the six of them. It's not like that others were not protective but there was something about him which used to make me feel so safe that I didn't get to scared of anything. Because I knew that no matter what, my big brother would never let anything bad happened to me. But one day he got so ill that Papa had to rushed him to the vet where we got to know that he had cancer. Papa appointed best doctors for his treatment but he was too old to react to the medications. Then one day when I was in school, he passed away silently in his sleep. Not only that, when I got back home I saw that he was holding my photo frame between his paws. Mum told me that when I left for school in the morning, he immediately took my photograph in his mouth and sat near the main door as if waiting for me. But I didn't even get to say 'I love you' to him for the last time." I break down in heavy sobs just thinking about that day when I lost my big brother who always protected me.
"Ma'am..." Dylan says putting his hand on my shoulder.
"I never had any pet in my life but after hearing your words I can only imagine how hard it must be for you to live without having them around. But I also think that they're not happy seeing you crying over them. They don't deserve your tears, they deserve your smile. So, please stop crying." He says making me nod my head while I wipe my tears with the back of my hands.
"You are right, they never liked seeing me crying. They used to whine till I stopped crying or started laughing." I let out remembering the happy times.
"You wait here, I will be back soon." I tell him before walking inside the washroom to wash my face to get rid of the tear stains. However, when I walk back to the room I find Papa instead of Dylan which confuses me.
"I told him to go and sleep because I have a lot to talk to you." Papa says petting the side of the bed where he is sitting.
I sit down beside him before laying my head on his biceps. Don't get me wrong but my father is a freaking giant so I can't even reach his shoulder by sitting.
"What happened in the office today?" He asks making me sigh.
"Mr. Anderson has given out important details about the company to the J&D Enterprises. So, I have him arrested today by the cops." I reply playing with his fingers.
"Hmm, that's a good punishment. But next time give them some tough punishment so that they don't dare to betray you." He says kissing the top of my head.
"Papa..." I let out.
"Yes.." He says.
"Do you regret giving me the CEO position?" I ask the question that is running through my mind for some time.
"You are my pride, Princess and I believe that only you have the potential to run the business that I have built. Not only that, you have the capability so I can never regret giving you the CEO position because no one can do justice to this position more than you." He answers making me smile in relief.
"Thank you so much for believing in my capability, Papa." I tell him while he wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"There is no need for you to thank me because whatever you have gotten is solely because of your hardwork. Now tell me, how do you like Dylan's company? I mean you're not mad at me anymore, right?" He asks making me look at him with a pout.
"When did I say that I am mad at you?" I ask scowling at him.
"I know that you like to have your privacy but with a bodyguard who stays with you 24/7 is not something you would like." He replies.
"Okay I accept that I wasn't very happy with your decision at first but now I can say that Dylan is not a bad person. In fact, he really needs the job because he wants to take care of his sister." I let out.
"Hmm, I have heard everything from Samuel. It's good that Amelia is going to live with us because a girl of her age needs a family. Also, your mother will be too happy to have another person to spoil." He says making me roll my eyes.
"You are talking as if you don't spoil us. If I remember correctly then I will say that it's you who spoil us more than Mum does." I remark playfully.
"Okay, fine I agree that I spoil you all but one of us need to be the cool parents." He says with a huff.
"So, you are saying that I am a cruel parent?" Mum says leaning against the door while looking at Papa with a glare.
"I didn't mean it like that, Cara. I was just telling her that I spoil them more than you." Papa says looking genuinely scared while I bite my lips to stop my laughter that can burst out of my mouth any time.
"You spoil them so much that now Evelyn has learnt to throw unnecessary tantrums." Mum says walking into the room before standing in front of us with her hands on her hips.
"What has she done now?" I ask making Mum looks at me.
"She is demanding a new I-Pad because she has given her old one to Amelia." Mum replies.
"It's not a good behaviour because I was thinking of getting Amelia a new one. But now before doing that I need to have a talk with Evelyn." Papa says looking serious.
"Mum, Papa! Can you both sleep here with me?" I ask looking at them hopefully.
"Of course, baby. Come on, I will sing a song to you." Mum says getting into the bed while I lie down beside her, Papa too joins us in the bed.
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