The sound of alarm wakes me up from deep slumber as I don't want to get up. But then I can't be a lazy person knowing that I have a big ass company to run. So, with a sigh, I get up from the bed and make my way inside the washroom.
After taking off my pajama I stand under the shower feeling relaxed when the cold water hit my skin. I pick up the bottle of my Balenciaga Paris Shower Gel and take a generous amount in my hand before lathering it all over my body. I also want to wash my hair but it will take time which I don't have right now.
I wipe my body with a clean towel before rubbing a little bit of body lotion to keep my skin hydrated. After wearing my undergarments, I select my outfit for the day which is a Solid Single Button Crop Blazer and Slant Pocket Suit Trousers. For shoes, I opt for white sneakers as I am not in the mood for heels.
I quickly put my hair into a messy bun after doing a little makeup and then put on my favorite Rolex watch on my wrist. I take a final look at the mirror before walking out of my room. I still have one hour on my hands before the first meeting that I need to attend so I think I can make a quick breakfast. It's not good to eat cereal every day as per Mum's instructions.
After arriving in the kitchen, I look inside the fridge to see what I can make. Suddenly, my eyes fall on the leftover rice so I decide to make Masala Rice (Spicy Rice) which won't take much time. Many will think that it's not good to eat rice for breakfast but I have heard from Mum that it's a very healthy option if we make it less spicy. As I have said before, Mum has made sure that we all know about the culture of India so we have become accustomed to these types of breakfast.
It only takes fifteen minutes for me to cook the food and another five minutes for it to cool down enough for me to eat. I put a good amount of rice in a bowl and put the rest inside the fridge so that I can eat it for dinner too. I guess I will just add some chicken curry along with it for dinner so I don't have to cook much after coming home.
Just as I am about to lock the apartment door, my phone starts ringing so I look at the caller ID to see that it's Papa. I pick up the call and then lock the door with my fingerprint.
"Yes, Papa." I say walking towards the elevator.
"When are you reaching the company?" He asks.
"In 15 minutes, why?" I reply curiously.
"I am waiting for you in your cabin. So, come quick." He answers and before I can reply he cuts the call making me frown.
Now, what does he want to talk about? And also why in the company? He could have come to the apartment or I could have gone to the Bianchi Mansion to meet him. I shake my head and head inside the elevator.
It takes me more than fifteen minutes to reach the company building because of traffic. But I don't think Papa will mind as he knows well that at this hour, the traffic becomes pretty bad to reach somewhere on time. However, my mood dampens when I walk inside my cabin and find out that Papa is not alone. Instead, there is a young man who looks a couple of years older than me standing beside him dressed in a suit.
"Good morning, my princess." Papa says opening his arms which I don't reject because I can never get enough of his warm hugs.
"Good morning to you too, Papa." I reply scowling at him.
"You can get angry at me later but right now I have to tell you something urgent. So, let's sit on the couch and talk." By saying this, he leads us toward the couch available in the cabin.
"First tell me who is he?" I ask pointing at the man because I don't like unknown people in my space.
"Aah, that's another reason for me to be here. This is Dylan Rodriguez who is going to be your personal bodyguard from now on." Papa replies smiling at me while the man named Dylan only nods his head in my direction.
"But I haven't given my permission to appoint him. I don't even know anything about him." I exclaim in annoyance.
"Princess, I have sent his resume to you last night." Papa answers quirking an eyebrow making me groan.
I may or may not have seen the resume but still decides to think of a way of getting out of this situation. However, how am I supposed to know that Papa will bring the bodyguard first thing in the morning?
"I know that you are not happy with my decision but you should also understand that I will never ask you to do something which will bring harm to you. You may have grown up but you can never get big enough for me not to worry about your safety. You are my firstborn who has made me understand the bond between father and a child so if to keep you safe I need to upset you, I will do that." I release a sigh understanding Papa's feelings. He has tried all the time to give me the best in everything, to keep me safe from any harm. But after that dreadful day, he has become more protective of me not that I can complain about it.
"Okay, fine. I will not oppose your decision anymore." I reply making him smile.
"By the way, I have asked your Mum to go to your apartment and set up a room for Dylan. I know you wouldn't have liked movers so she will be doing it instead." Papa remarks.
"But Sir, I could have done it myself." The new bodyguard aka Dylan says in which Papa shakes his head in response.
"Boy, you haven't met my wife and that's why you are saying that you could have done the work. So, let me give you a suggestio. Never try to tell my wife what to do when it comes to the decorations. Also, she wants to ensure our daughter's safety and the person who will live with her from now on." Papa replies making me chuckle.
Mum can never change. I know why she has insisted to set up the room for the new bodyguard. She wants to look through his stuff to see if she can find any suspicious things.
"By the way, I would like to let you know that your Mum and I are going to India for two weeks." Papa says.
"But why? I mean why the sudden decision of going there?" I ask out of curiosity.
"Actually, your Chhoto Dadu's health is not well for a few days. So, your Mum wants to visit him to spend some time with him." Papa answers making me nod.
Chhoto Dadu has been suffering from arthropathies that have prevented him from going out of country. Also, he doesn't like to leave the house after the demise of Mausumi Didon. Boro Dadu is also no more which makes all of us very sad. Especially, Mum who didn't eat for many days. So, I can understand her the need to be with her uncle who is more like a father to her.
After talking for a few minutes, Papa leaves the cabin and goes to meet Ian who works as the CFO of the company. Just then I look at Dylan who is still standing at his place holding his hands behind his back. Although I don't want him around me but I can't back out now or Papa won't be happy.
"Do you always wear suits?" I ask sitting down on my chair behind the desk.
"Suits are suitable for my job." He replies blankly.
"But I hope you won't be wearing a suit in the apartment." I remark rolling my eyes.
"If you order I can do that." He replies like a robot.
"Ugh! Shut up and let me do my work." I glare at him and open my laptop because it's enough talking for today.
It's been four hours since I have been attending meetings after meetings and now I need a strong coffee to prevail the headache that is coming full speed. I walk out of the conference room followed by Dylan who has been following me around like a shadow. Thankfully, no one made any comment about it or God knows what I would have done in anger.
"Lily, please send a cup of coffee to my cabin." I order before walking inside the cabin.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" Dylan asks making me look at him to see that he is looking at me blankly but I can detect the slight worry in his tone.
"I am just having a massive headache." I reply rubbing my forehead.
"Do you need medicine?" He asks.
"No, coffee will do for now. By the way, it's lunchtime so you should go and have lunch." I order but much to my surprise, he shakes his head.
"I can't leave you alone." He says making me glare at him.
"You are my bodyguard, not my babysitter. So, do as I have told you. Get out of this cabin and have lunch." I say quite harshly.
"Why are you so angry, Di?" I hear a voice from the doorway so I look up to see that Ian is walking inside holding a cup.
"What are you doing here?" I ask although I am happy to have him here.
"I was coming here to discuss about the project with Adam Enterprise but then I noticed that Lily was heading towards your cabin with a cup of coffee. So I thought to bring it myself." Ian replies putting the cup in front of me and then turns to look at Dylan.
"I am Ian Bianchi, your boss's younger brother and CFO of the company. You must be the bodyguard that our father was talking about?" Ian asks in which Dylan nods his head.
"Look, Dylan. I know your intention is not bad but I am giving you an advice. Whenever my sister orders you to do something, kindly don't oppose her because she doesn't like that. So, if she is telling you to go and have lunch then you should do that. Also, if you are worried about her safety then I am telling you that I will be here for the next thirty minutes which I think is enough time for you to have lunch." Ian says gently yet firmly.
"Okay, Sir." That's all Dylan says before walking out of the cabin making me sigh.
"You could have told him nicely but no, you had to be harsh on him too." Ian remarks looking at me with disappointment.
"I don't want to be nice to him. He is already going to live with me from now on which I hate, so don't think that I am going to give him an easy time." I reply taking a sip of the coffee.
"What do you mean?" He asks confused.
"Papa has appointed him but if he is going to work for me, then he has to go through some tests to gain my trust. He may look like a perfect person but I am not someone who trusts anyone instantly." I reply.
"As long as you don't do any childish thing, I won't interfere." He answers making me smirk.
"Okay, enough talking about me. Now, tell me what's going on with you and Mia? Have you told her about your feelings?" I ask excitedly. But the sudden change in his demeanor has me thinking that something must not be right with the two.
"What's wrong, Ian? Has something happened?" I ask holding his hand.
"Mia has rejected me, Di. She told me that she doesn't want to be in a romantic relationship with me because she is older than me. She wants us to be friends, nothing more." I facepalm because I should have guessed it before.
"I will talk to Mia." I let out but he shakes his head.
"Don't do that because I know she won't listen to anyone. She has a concept in her mind that a woman should be younger than a man in a relationship which I don't know from where she has inherited. I just want her to be happy so if she is happy staying as my friend then I can do that." He says with a smile but the sadness behind his smile is fully evident.
"Okay, if you want I will not interfere between you two. But by any chance you need my help then don't hesitate to tell me." I reply smiling at him with assurance.
There is a knock on the door and when I ask the person to come inside, it turns out to be Dylan who walks inside holding a tray. I look at him confused but before I can ask him anything, he puts the tray on the desk.
"Mr. Bianchi has told me that you have a habit of skipping your lunch, so I have got you your lunch here which consists of French Toast and some pieces of Strawberries." For the second time, I roll my eyes but still I control my anger.
"Did I tell you that I want lunch?" I ask with greeted teeth.
"No, but it's been a few hours since you have eaten anything. So, it will be better for your health to have lunch on time. Although you are a little late to eat your lunch." Dylan replies looking at his watch while Ian bursts into laughter making me throw a pen towards him.
"Now, I have realized why Dad has chosen him as your bodyguard." Ian says between laughter while pointing at Dylan.
"Go to your cabin." I order my annoying little brother who gets up from the chair.
"I am going but don't forget to eat your lunch or your bodyguard won't like it." Ian remarks winking at me before walking out of the cabin leaving me angry with none other than my new bodyguard Dylan Rodriguez.
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