
"Do you think Mr. Bianchi will reveal the name of the new CEO of his company?" One of the reporters asks no one in particular.

"I don't know about that, but I have heard that there is going to be a big announcement by Mr. Bianchi today which will change many things in the business world." Another one replies in a hushed tone.

"Hopefully, he will select his biological son as his successor." A man remarks rudely.

"Why are you saying that? We all know Mr. Bianchi loves all of his children the same." A woman says making others nod their heads in agreement.

"He can love all of his children but in the end, the blood wins the race." The man replies smugly.

The murmur around the ballroom quiets down the moment when the Bianchi's set foot in there. Alessandro Bianchi along with his lovely wife Anupama Bianchi starts walking up to the stage where they will be answering some selected questions of the media.

They are followed by their two sons, Ian Bianchi and Ethan Bianchi who are looking very handsome in their expensive Armani Suits which are selected by their darling mother. They stand beside their parents who look at the crowd with small smiles.

It still feels unreal to see the once arrogant billionaire Alessandro Bianchi smiling but everyone knows that his wife is the reason behind the huge changes in him. Anupama Bianchi has not only changed her husband's attitude towards others but has also made it clear that she also doesn't tolerate anyone insulting her family.

"Good evening everyone. I am very glad to see that you have managed to attend this party on such short notice. I hope by now, many of you have assumed the reason behind the party which is to announce the name of the next CEO of the Bianchi Enterprises. I will still be the President of the company but the real work will be done under the new CEO." Alessandro lets out in his deep and calculated voice looking at the crowd.

"Now, I would like you all to welcome the new CEO of the Bianchi Enterprises who is none other than my elder daughter Advira Bianchi." The moment the words leave Alessandro's mouth, the crowd burst into loud clapping along with Anupama, Ian, and Ethan.

However, some people are not looking happy with the decision of Alessandro but they know they can't go against him or their company will go bankrupt. So, they plaster a fake smile to show their fake acknowledgment of the decision.

When the clapping sounds died down, Alessandro signal someone from afar to come forward to the stage. Everyone gets curious to see who exactly he is signaling to. However, their mouth hang open when an extremely gorgeous lady starts walking towards the stage. Because this is the first time they are seeing Advira Bianchi from so close.

Everyone is mesmerized by the peaceful yet dangerous aura she is carrying around her. It's like she is the perfect blend of her mother's gentleness as well as her father's wickedness. Her every step seems too calculating to understand what's exactly going on in her mind. Yet her pretty smile can deceive anyone around her.

Upon arriving at the stage, Advira touches her parent's feet to take their blessings before giving her younger brothers the much-needed hug. She then turns towards the crowd and smiles at them. But then smirk at the man who was saying that blood wins at the end. The man's smugness fades away and a new fear emerges inside him of getting destroyed by the new CEO of the Bianchi Enterprises.

"Hello, Ladies and gentlemen. I am Advira Bianchi, the new CEO of the Bianchi Enterprises. I am feeling blessed that my father has put his trust in me to run the company from now on and I will try my best to fulfill all of his wishes." Advira says with determination looking at the crowd.

"I have a question for you, Mr. Bianchi." Suddenly one of the reporters says making everyone look at her.

"Go ahead," Alessandro replies.

"May I know the reason behind your selection of the new CEO of your multi-billionaire company? I mean, why choose your adopted daughter instead of your biological son?" There is a pin-drop silence in the room because this has always been a sensitive question for the Bianchi's. But most importantly, for Alessandro who hates being called Advira's adoptive father. However, before he can reply Advira takes the matter in her hands.

"What's your name miss?" Advira asks the female reporter.

"Miranda Campbell." The reporter replies.

"Do you have any siblings?" Advira asks making everyone wonder why she having a chit-chat with the reporter.

"No, ma'am." The reporter replies confidently.

"I think you're forgetting something, Miss Campbell. You have an elder sister whom your parents adopted way before your birth. But because of your jealousy towards her, you have never accepted her as your family member. However, I would like to enlighten you that in our family we don't hold grudges against each other just because we don't have the same persons as our biological parents. My parents could have hidden about my biological father from me but they didn't because they wanted me to know the reality. The same goes with my younger brother Ethan who doesn't even know any of his biological parents. So, before questioning my father about his decision of handling me the CEO position, you should search about our family in details." Advira answers looking directly at the reporter who lowers her head in shame.

"I think it's enough talking now. Everyone should enjoy the party." Anupama Bianchi says gently putting a fullstop at the questions.

"Wow, you are awesome Di." Ian says to Advira when they get off the stage.

"Yes, Sissy. Ian is right, the way you have given a perfect answer to the rude reporter I wanted to dance so bad." Ethan remarks wrapping his arm around Ian's shoulder.

"I just showed her the reality and also it's not like this is the first time someone has asked these types of questions. Now, I have become numb to these stupid questions that I don't even feel anything." Advira replies smiling at her brothers but her parents can see that her smile is fake.

"Princess, why don't you go and gets to know our business associates?" Alessandro asks wanting to change his daughter's mood.

"Sure, Papa." Advira replies and walks away from there along with her two brothers.

"Will our daughter ever be able to become the same person she used to be?" Anupama asks Alessandro with a worry-filled voice.

"She will be but with a lot of care and love." Alessandro replies wiping the lone tear that has dropped from his Cara's eyes.

"But we are already doing it then why is she still behaves like she doesn't want to be loved?" Anupama asks brokenly.

"Remember when we first met? Both of us were longing for love and care but didn't know how to find them. However, with time we realized our love for each other and till now, we are going strong. Our daughter needs that type of love and care too to mend her broken heart. I am sure, there is someone who will be able to make her the way she is before that horrible incident." Alessandro answers looking at the expressionless face of his once happy princess.

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